The life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is a miracle in itself from beginning to end. A shepherd of Makkah, changing the course of world for the times to come, with just a handful of people on his side, over the span of just a few years is nothing short of a miracle. There is no better way to effectively and powerfully understand the true spirit of Islam and increase our love for the Prophet (ﷺ) than by studying his life and times.
Unlock the secrets of the Prophet’s life and teachings with our Seerah Intensive course. Join us for two days of immersive learning and discover the transformative power of the Prophet’s legacy. Embark on a journey through the key events and teachings of the Prophet’s life, revealing the profound insights and practical lessons that still resonate today.
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Towards Purpose, a journey of a lifetime.
With a focus on recreation and spiritual uplifting, the trip included leadership-based outdoor activities, lessons from the Prophetic model of leadership, and much more.
Date: Every Summer
Venue: Northern Areas
Duration: 3 Days
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